Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Society Tells Me To

While Jamie is having nightmares about forgetting she's vegan, I am stressing that I'll blog happily about a new food I bought and loved and hate mail will come in by the thousands screaming, "THAT IS NOT VEGAN, YOU JERK!!!" and I will have ruined the experiment a whole week in. They call that "paranoia" sometimes. I call it probable. Tofutti Cuties, however, according to a quick Google search...do appear vegan. (PleasePleasePlease let me be right).

Oh, and by the way. Welcome to all the people coming from somewhere on CraigsList and however else you got here, and thanks for your emails and comments. You people are pretty much what will keep us on track. So call in sick and go shopping with me, please.

Today I spent $8.00 on 8 vegan patties (BocaBurger this time, not Morningstar Farms). That kind of seems like a lot, except if I were buying a steak I'd be out more than that. So I guess it works out.

Jamie and I were discussing (yes, we do speak outside of cyber-land) that life as a vegan is kind of...easy. Easy in the sense that in all my previous attempts to eat better, this happens:

(birthday/anniversary/retirement/bat mitzvah/2nd Coming/insert-occasion-here cake shoved in my face)

Person: Here, have some.
Me: Oh no thanks. I'm trying to eat better.
Person: Oh come on. It's the 2nd Coming! Jesus wants you to have cake!
Me: No that's cool. I ate a big lunch and I'd feel bad.
Person: What, you think you're better than us? You think you're HEALTHY?
Me: Well, no...I just uh...
Person: It's a small piece. It won't ruin you forever.
Me: Um...ok.

And then I eat a cruddy piece of cake and I feel cruddy all freaking day. But now??? Wonder of wonders!!

Person: Here, have some cake.
Me: Is it vegan?
Person: No. Are you vegan?
Me: Yes.
Person: Oh.

People get really defensive about food. Yes, it's a very communal thing. It's also a very personal thing. I'm not sure why others try to sabotage my attempts to be a happier person, but it seems they won't challenge veganism. I'm pretty sure a bunch of you old-timers can respond with stories where you were attacked for your veganism, but as a newbie I am enjoying a little less pressure to eat the cake. Discuss.

- Jana

Missing the carne adovada yet, Jamie?


Mandy said...

Yes, Toffuti Cuties are vegan! (and delicious!). Toffuti also makes great 'sour cream' and their vegan cheese slices are good in a pinch for a grilled cheese (if you can manage to find them).

Don't worry, someone will challenge you on your veganism eventually.

And thanks for pointing out how it isn't really all that hard. I found it hardest at the beginning - so by day 90 you'll be a real pro!

Keep it up :)

areslei said...

Toffuti Cuties are yummy...they also have other yummy frozen treats to try...go to their website and you can get coupons mailed to you for free stuff.

Beth said...

I could box up some blue dragon vegan cookies and send them your way. Mmm vegan cookies.